WalrusInk ePublishing

Category: eBooks

  • eBooks and Revenue Sharing—50/50 or bust!

    I’ve been reading the “Tools of Change for Publishing” LinkedIn group discussion for some months and felt compelled to respond to a recent thread started by Steve Weiss at O’Reilly: Who else is ready to consider to match the 50% royalty model? We at WalrusInk ePublishing are going with a 50% revenue-sharing model. (The old vocabulary…

  • Subscriptions for ePublishing

    Subscriptions: Models of change, greed, or more of the same? Passionate LAMP developer, author, and friend, Ali Syed, emailed us from Lahore with a question and observation about ePublishing: “I thought about you when reading of recent events in publishing—Apple’s announced subscription pricing for iBooks, followed by the announcement of Google’s One Pass service. For…

  • Not All eBooks are Created Equal

    Our colleague, Ross Carter, told us about a clever comparison he devised for testing eBook readability on his iPad. We expected he’d find some differences, but were surprised by just how different eBooks can be, even eBooks of the same book! Fortunately, Ross documented his observations and posted them on his site, rosscarter.com, and we’ve…

  • Pricing eBooks—Logical Assumptions Need Not Apply

    There’s really no consistent logic to how eBooks are currently priced. Publishers want prices higher to increase profit margins. Amazon wants prices lower to encourage increased sales volume. Apple wants prices more standardized, because that’s just the way Apple does things. There have been reports of eBook editions selling for higher prices than printed editions,…